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// Replaces existing item with new item // Operation will fail if an item with the same key does not exist // see also .insert_or_replace() // WARN: use schema() to prevent describeTable call DynamoDB .table('tbl_name') .return(DynamoDB.UPDATED_OLD) .replace({ partition_key: 'test.com', sort_key: 'test@test.com', nine: 5 + 4, width: ( 100 + 20 ) + 'px', password: 'qwert', // inserted as datatype SS string_set1: DynamoDB.SS(['sss','bbb','ccc']), string_set2: new Set(['sss','bbb','ccc']), // inserted as datatype NS number_set1: DynamoDB.NS([111,222,333]), number_set2: new Set([[111,222,333]]), // inserted as datatype L list1: [7,9,15], list2: new Set([]), list3: new Set([ 'a', 1 ]), created_at: new Date().getTime() }, function(err,data) { console.log( err, data ) });